Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR PerSoCloud (Jan. 2017 - Jan. 2020)

Partners: Orange Labs (coordinator), Inria-SMIS, Cozy Cloud, Univ. of Versailles.

SMIS funding: 170k€.

The objective of PerSoCloud is to design, implement and validate a full‑fledged Privacy-by-Design Personal Cloud Sharing Platform. One of the major difficulties linked to the concept of personal cloud lies in organizing and enforcing the security of the data sharing while the data is no longer under the control of a central server. We identify three dimensions to this problem. Devices-sharing: assuming that the primary copy of user U1's personal data is hosted in a secure place, how to share and synchronize it with U1's multiple (mobile) devices without compromising security? Peers-sharing: how user U1 could exchange a subset of his-her data with an identified user U2 while providing to U1 tangible guarantees about the usage made by U2 of this data? Community-sharing: how user U1 could exchange a subset of his-her data with a large community of users and contribute to personal big data analytics while providing to U1 tangible guarantees about the preservation of his-her anonymity? In addition to tackling these three scientific and technical issues, a legal analysis will guarantee compliance of this platform with the security and privacy French and UE regulation, which firmly promotes the Privacy by Design principle, including the current reforms of personal data regulation.

ANR KISS (Dec. 2011 - Feb. 2016)

Partners: Inria-SMIS (coordinator), Inria-SECRET, LIRIS, Univ. of Versailles, CryptoExperts, Gemalto, Yvelines district.

SMIS funding: 230k€.

The idea promoted in KISS is to embed, in trusted devices, software components capable of acquiring, storing and managing securely various forms of personal data (e.g., salary forms, invoices, banking statements, geolocation data, depending on the applications). These software components form a Personal Data Server which can remain under the holder's control. The scientific challenges include: embedded data management issues tackling regular, streaming and spatio-temporal data (e.g., geolocation data), data provenance-based privacy models, crypto-protected distributed protocols to implement private communications and secure global computations.

PIA - PDP SECSi (May. 2016 - Dec. 2017)

Partners: Cozy Cloud (coordinator), Qwant, Inria-SMIS, FING.

SMIS funding: 149k€.

The objective of this PIA-PDP (Programme Investissement d’Avenir - Protection des Données Personnelles) SECSi project is to build a concrete Personal Cloud platform which can support a large scale deployment of Self Data services. Three major difficulties are identified and will be tackled in this project: (1) how to implement and enforce a fine control of the data flow when personal data are exploited by third party applications, (2) how to protect these same applications when processing is delegated to the personal cloud platform itself and (3) how to implement personalized search on the web without hurting user’s privacy.

CAPPRIS Project-Lab (Dec. 2011 - Dec. 2016)

Inria Partners: PRIVATICS (coordinator), SMIS, PLANETE, CIDRE, COMETE.

External partners: Univ. of Namur, Eurecom, LAAS.

Funding: not associated to individual project-teams.

An Inria Project Lab (IPL) is a long-term multi-disciplinary project launched by Inria to sustain large scale risky research actions in line with its own strategic plan. CAPPRIS stands for "Collaborative Action on the Protection of Privacy Rights in the Information Society". The key issues that are addressed are: (1) the identification of existing and future threats to privacy, (2) the definition of formally grounded measures to assess and quantify privacy, (3) the definition of the fundamental principles underlying privacy by design and methods to apply them in concrete situations and (4) The integration of the social and legal dimensions. To assess the relevance and significance of the research results, they are confronted to three classes of case studies CAPPRIS partners are involved in: namely Online Social Networks, Location Based Services and Electronic Health Record Systems.

CityLab@Inria, Inria Project Lab (May 2014 -).


External partners: UC Berkeley.

Funding: not associated to individual project teams.

CityLab@Inria studies ICT solutions toward smart cities that promote both social and environmental sustainability. A strong emphasis of the Lab is on the undertaking of a multi-disciplinary research program through the integration of relevant scientific and technology studies, from sensing up to analytics and advanced applications, so as to actually enact the foreseen smart city Systems of Systems. SMIS contributes to Privacy-by-Design architectures for trusted smart objects so as to ensure privacy to citizens, which is critical for ensuring that urbanscale sensing contributes to social sustainability and does not become a threat. https://citylab.inria.fr/

VALDO (Valorisation et monétisation des données personnelles à l’ère du Big Data), Digital Society Institute (DSI) (May 2015 - Sept. 2016).

Partners: DANTE and SMIS (co-organizers), CERDI, RITM.

SMIS funding: 50K€.

The objective of this project is to study with a multidisciplinary approach (i.e., computer science, law and economics) the impact of putting a certain (e.g., monetary) value on personal data, over the behavior of individuals (that are the rightful owners of the data) and market companies (that make usage of the personal data) in terms of data protection practices and data usage.